Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Find More Facts About Organizing

Welcome to the Find More Facts About Organizing Blog. Here we will share information from Karen's Clutter Corner to help you get organized in your personal and business lives. We encourage our readers to leave comments and share your organiztional tips too. Together, we will organize the world - one messy closet at a time! ;-)

Have you ever felt like everything around you is in total disarray and you don't know where to begin to get organized? Of course, I have never had that problem (LOL) but I have come up with a way to de-stress while I declutter. You need to choose one spot in one room to begin. It sounds pretty obvious, but in reality that is why it is often so difficult to begin organizing. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Choose one drawer or one cabinet or one shelf in a closet.
  2. Pull everything out.
  3. Clean the surfaces.
  4. Throw away anything old, damaged, out of date, or things you have not used in the last six months.
  5. If you have a bunch of small items, group them by category, put them in a clear plastic container and label them.
  6. Put everything you are keeping back into the drawer/cabinet/closet and close the door!
  7. Throw out the trash.
  8. Walk away and give yourself a treat! You have just started on your way to being organized.
  9. Repeat this process every couple of days and before you know it your closets and cabinets will be clean!

If you need some organizational items such as plastic containers, closet organizers, drawer organizers, etc. go back to the organization page on our website, Find More Facts and you'll find some terrific sources of organizing tools. You'll also find more tips and articles.

Don't forget to leave us some of your great tips. We look forward to hearing from you!



1 comment:

DawnK said...

What? Have you been peeking in my kitchen drawers? Do you know how badly I need to do this? LOL!